Monday, 4 June 2012

My wardrobe field trip;)

What's a wardrobe?! Not only is it a place where you keep your dresses,bags, and other clothes- it's also a way you express you dressing style personality. I suggest that instead of just throwing stuff in, ( folded stuff) you can organize it a certain way- organized
                                                                    - stylish,popular

Some of the stylish ladies have very unique way of organizing their wardrobes.
Way#1: Making it a small shop- you get everything for free of course!

About: Hang up dresses, skirts and outfits for going out, elegant stuff, put on shelves t-shirts,tank tops, and pants.

Way#2: Separate based on elegance!

About:Have a half of closet for elegant stuff- skirts,dresses,costumes and other half for going out stuff- everyday clothes, or street style!

Way#3: Color Code!

About: Rainbow pattern??? From light to really dark???Pastel colors separate from neon colors? You decide a way to organize it, in color style of course! 

  • To make it more stylish and personality expressing- paste some pictures of your favorite fashion models, fashion styles, fashion weeks.
  • Maybe put your hobby pics on it: Example" you love photography-put some pics up!"
  • Some cool pictures on boards- painted! fashion rocks!

Very organized closet- wardrobe-garderobe room! 

Picture frames are present and other pics which add some more coolness. Dresses, coats, and skirts are on hangers. Shoes are on special glass shelves. 

Now this is more of a little plop and hang style! works though!

What is this?! This is not the neatest style but its is very cool! For those who are cool!

One more very organized look or style!

This takes up a little space but is organized and cool!

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